Budget Costuming
Most of you should be familiar with ebay, the worlds largerst website made to help people buy and sell items, ranging from paperclips to even houses and boats, its also a great source for vinyl or resin models. Most of these models are the ones you would search for month for and still come up empty handed, and some have been out of production for years now. Now most of these models are recasts, which is just a fancy word for a copy. These recasts are basically done in the same way they made the original model, make a mold of the part and then cast the part, but as we all know that when you make a copy of a copy of a copy, some things start to look pretty bad and the end product looks like a washed out version of the original. This is exactly waht happens with recasts, lines will look shallow, facial detal will be weaker, points and edges become soft, the overall model looks like its been but through a rock tumbler. Most recasters are very good at what they do but some of them just dont have the hang of it. If your looking for a special model, lets say you want the 1/9 scale ED-209 model from robocop, you want to check out what the average price is, see if the seller shows a picture of the parts, and send the seller an email asking if all the parts are there. If you get an email back saying that he doesnt supply the  leg detail for the model then i would consider looking for someone else.  Reading the reviews of customers that have purchased the same models is also very helpful, I came across a model of batman tha look very nice and was a decent price but all the reviews said that the model was recast terribly and it wasnt worth it.  Just make sure that you know what your buying and that the seller isnt trying to rip you off.
